Tilmann Lührig advises domestic and international clients in all areas of industrial and intellectual property (IP), copyright & unfair competition and IT – including both prosecution and litigation. 

He has special industry knowledge in the field of (old and new) media, entertainment, cosmetics, baby & children goods, culture, real estate, IT as well as advertising agencies & public relations. He advises start-ups, small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as international corporations in developing, managing, exploiting and enforcing their portfolio of intellectual property rights. Together with the clients, he develops strategies to protect the clients' patents, utility models, trademarks, designs, company and domain names, know-how and assists them in exploiting their rights through drafting and negotiating license agreements and reviewing advertising tactics. 

Tilmann Lührig conducts global trademark clearances and represents clients in prosecution matters before the German Patent and Trademark Office (Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt), the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). He has extensive experience in representing clients in opposition and cancellation proceedings before the German Patent and Trademark Office (Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt), the German Federal Patent Court, the EUIPO, the European General Court (EGC) and the European Court of Justice (ECJ). 

Tilmann Lührig advises and represents clients in counterfeit matters (incl. costums enforcement of IP rights) and has significant experience in enforcing the clients' IP rights in preliminary and regular proceedings as well as in domain name disputes before German courts and administrative bodies.

Tilmann Lührig is a member of GRUR and INTA and serves as Committee member of the Law Firm Committee (Technology-Subcommittee) in the period 2020/2021.

Clients appreciate Tilmann Lührig for giving "answers that are immediately practicable".
(Legal 500 Germany 2018 & Legal 500 EMEA 2018)

Tilmann Lührig is highly recommended.
(Legal 500 Germany 2016 and 2017 & The Legal 500 EMEA 2016 and 2017)

Tilmann Lührig is recommended.
(WIPR Leaders 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020)

Tilmann Lührig
”gives straight-to-the-point advice, providing answers and useful recommendations rather than just legal considerations. Really impressive, too, is his broad and instantly available knowledge of German law – you can phone him up and know he’ll be able to answer any questions you have.”

“is brilliant at tackling internet-related enforcement matters and should be the first port of call for any branding conundrum. He is responsive and cost-efficient, and always finds practical and commercially oriented solutions that will solve even the most convoluted of cases.”
(WTR 1000 – The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals 2014-2020)


Languages: German, English

  • 2018 Lawyer/Partner at Lexton
  • 2014 Deputy member of the Committee of Bar Licensed Specialists for Intellectual Property Law Berlin
  • 2012 Received license to practice as a specialist lawyer for intellectual property law
  • 2008 to 2018 Lawyer/Partner at Beiten Burkhardt
  • 2006 to 2007 Research Assistant/Trainee lawyer at Boehmert & Boehmert
  • 2006 Clerkship at the German Federal Foreign Office
  • 2005 Awarded a “Master of Laws” degree from the University of New South Wales
  • 2003 Completed supplementary studies in business law
  • 1998 to 2004 Law studies at Freie Universität Berlin and National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Internet service provider – Management of the worldwide trademark and domain portfolio of a market-leading internet service provider and advice on the development of new brands for new services (incl. trademark clearance). Advice on trademark protection related to the new generic TLDs, representation in numerous opposition and cancellation proceedings before the German Patent and Trademark Office, EUIPO, German Federal Patent Court, EGC and ECJ; coordination of Europe-wide actions to fight copycats.

Fortune 500 company - Advice on trademark portfolio and representation in an opposition proceeding and settlement negotiations

Manufacturer of goods for babies and children - Assistance with and strategic advice on a Europe-wide trademark portfolio, advice and representation in cases of product piracy (in particular, fighting counterfeit products offered via internet platforms), trademark and competition law advice related to extension of the product portfolio.

Cosmetics company – Advice on trademark law, license agreement and unfair competition law issues and legal representation in numerous court and office proceedings against trademark infringers.

Open Air Festival provider – Advice and representation of a market leading provider of open air festivals in numerous preliminary injunction proceedings in the field of unfair competition law; advice with regard to the introduction of new products (including questions regarding product labelling)

Several real estate groups - Advice on the development of global trademark strategies, drafting of corresponding license agreements, filing of trademark applications, trademark clearance.

Government-owned marketing company – Advice on trademark and copyright issues (advice on campaigns, review of licenses) and legal representation.

Leading chemical solution provider – advice and representation in numerous IT projects, including a significant and complex IT outsourcing project, drafting and negotiation of the relevant IT contracts, representation in IT litigation

Software developer – advice and representation in all IT contract matters

Software developer – local counsel legal opinion in a dispute with a leading German car manufacturer

Advertising and creation agencies – advice regarding all IP questions (incl. IP clearance); drafting and negotiation of agency and cooperation agreements.

Litigation/arbitration – Representation of domestic and international clients and of government-run entities in litigation and arbitration proceedings.


Procedural Particularities of Preliminary Injunctions (WRP Wettbewerb in Recht und Praxis, edition 10/2008, page 1281 et seq., co-author Dr. Schote)


"The Successful Trademark", “Direct Marketing” ("The Triad of Marketing and Law" series);

"From the idea to the IPR", "Market entry – Pitfalls and Tripping Hazards" (special lecture series for start-ups and founders),

"Compliance – How to deal legally with pictures, texts, software, Trademarks, designs and patents"

Do’s and don’ts in IT projects (client in-house lecture)