Corporate LAW

We advise our clients regarding matters of corporate law, particularly limited liability company law (GmbH) as well as partnership law. This particularly includes corporate formation, corporate acquisitions and equity/capital participation, as well as joint ventures and restructurings. We also work to draft articles of association as well as board member and executive employment contracts. We take tax-related factors into consideration when drafting and structuring contracts within the scope of these kinds of projects.




Lexton provides support for corporate formation, from the selection of the legal form and company name through to drafting articles of association and shareholder agreements for all kinds of different founder constellations. We provide support in procuring the necessary notarial foundation documents and help our clients take the first steps towards setting up their new company. Trust agreements and executive employment contracts fall under the purview of our corporate formation consulting as well.


From share deals to asset deals, we support our clients through all phases of an acquisition, starting with structuring the planned transaction and drafting non-disclosure and exclusivity agreements, to carrying out due diligence, creating a term sheet and drafting and negotiating contracts, through to providing post-transaction services. If specific areas of law play an important role within the transaction (such as antitrust law, pension obligations, foreign dimensions), we can draw upon our broad network of partners for additional support.


Lexton provides consulting to companies entering into capital participation, whether they are driven by strategic or investment motivations in doing so. Lexton supports you with possible capital increases, convertible loans or other forms of capital participation, such as the acquisition of shares. We review and advise you on any changes you may need to make as a result of capital participation, such as changes to articles of association and/or shareholder agreements. Furthermore, Lexton provides support within the scope of partnerships, whether these be established through corporate shareholding or agreements under the German law of obligations (virtual participation). These include contractual provisions for stalemates and possible exit strategies from these types of partnerships.


Lexton provides support with splits, spin-offs, demergers from existing or new legal entities as well as other restructuring measures.